Prime Minister and Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak waves at the crowd during the Meet the People gathering and launching of the Machang parliamentary constituency's people housing project at SMK Bandar Machang. Pic by FATHIL ASRI.
Prime Minister and Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak waves at the crowd during the Meet the People gathering and launching of the Machang parliamentary constituency's people housing project at SMK Bandar Machang. Pic by FATHIL ASRI.

MACHANG: Party members must have three basis in their struggle to ensure that it met with success, said Prime Minister and Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

He said the principles were spirit, unity among the leadership and wala' or loyalty to the leadership.

"I want to see that there is spirit in our struggle as any struggle without the presence of a spirit will face failure. A struggle based only on anger, vengeance, material and position and not on a sincere spirit will not succeed and ends with disappointment.

"However, if the struggle is from the heart and pure spirit to seek a higher achievement, then it will be blessed by Allah," he said at a Meet the People gathering and launching of the Machang parliamentary constituency's people housing project at SMK Bandar Machang here today.

Najib said they must also have a really strong and united leadership which must be respected by all members.

He said members must be loyal to the leadership not only in front of them but also from behind.

"Even when leaders are not around, whether at coffee shops or surau or wherever, and whether night and day, they must support a united leadership. I am happy that this has been achieved by Machang Umno," he said.

The Umno president said another trait that was important for Umno members was wala' or undivided loyalty to the party's leadership and not one with conditions.

Najib said they should obey the leaders as long they did not ask them to do something wrong.

"If party members maintain these three principles, I am confident that the 14th general election will belong to Barisan Nasional," he said.

Najib also praised the present Pas leadership for the maturity in its political approach unlike previously.

He said the party had rejected co-operation with the DAP and they now believed in ta'awun or working together in issues which can bring good.

"We can co-operate on the Rohingya issue, the Palestine issue and also on RUU 305. This is mature politics," he said.

Najib said the Pas leadership had also in issues like 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) chose to use the Tabayyn principle or to investigate first.

He said they have asked 1MDB president Arul Kanda to give a briefing and after the meeting, the deputy president said he was confident with the company's recovery plan.

"He didn't make blind accusations. He knew in the Parliamentary Accounts Committee, Dr Tan Seng Giaw had said after investigating, the Prime Minister had done nothing wrong in the transactions.

"We must look forward. We can be friends with Pas and co-operate in certain issues. This is political maturity which we must have. Let's pray with this approach, Islam will be more developed," he said.