Muhammad Naqib Rashidi had dreamt of working hard and earning money to take his parents on umrah.
Muhammad Naqib Rashidi had dreamt of working hard and earning money to take his parents on umrah.

LANGKAWI: Just over an hour before he was killed in a road crash last night, Muhammad Naqib Rashidi had posted on social media wanting to work hard and save money to take his parents on umrah.

The 18-year-old from Kampung Chandek Kura here had said he did not want to rely on his parents' money to further his studies.

"Relying on my parents' money? I'm willing to not continue my studies because I don't want to burden them.

"Learning about struggle by myself, sorry mum and dad, Akib can't make you happy like other kids who can continue their studies.

"Akib doesn't want to trouble mum and dad, Akib will work hard without burdening you. Akib understands your exhaustion.

"Once Akib has everything, Akib won't forget everyone who made Akib hurt and happy.

"Akib's dream is to take mum and dad to umrah using Akib's own money. Akib hopes to succeed and mum and dad will be with Akib."

Naqib died at the scene after the motorcycle he was riding crashed on Jalan Padang Matsirat here at 11.30pm last night. Three other motorcycles were also involved in the incident.

According to his father, Rashidi Shukri, 50, a freelance preacher, Naqib was believed to have posted the status before leaving home at around 10pm last night.

"My friend took a screenshot of Akib's last status, which was said to be uploaded on social media just before the incident, and sent it via WhatsApp to me this morning.

"Last night, I arrived home after giving a lecture at 9.30pm, and Akib had told his mother, Norkhoziyah Diah, that he was going out to throw away the trash outside the house. That was the last time I saw him at home.

"Then, around 11.30pm, I received information that he had an accident and was unconscious before I rushed to the scene," he said Sultanah Maliha Hospital (HSM) when met at the Forensic Unit of here today.

Rashidi said his late son had been working part-time at a hotel in Pantai Tengah here, after finishing his studies in Form Five and receiving his Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia examination results at the end of May.