They were miffed and mystified at the man’s behaviour as he had been riding against traffic in the first place. - Video Screengrab from Social Media
They were miffed and mystified at the man’s behaviour as he had been riding against traffic in the first place. - Video Screengrab from Social Media

KUALA LUMPUR: Netizens have lashed out at a fast food delivery rider who shouted at another motorists who had nearly hit him.

They were miffed and mystified at the man's behaviour as he had been riding against traffic in the first place.

A 53-second video of the incident, posted by @Aerodynamic41 on the Reddit Malaysia page, shows the car driver attempting to exit a parking space just as the rider unexpectedly goes past, going the wrong way on a one-way road, nearly causing an accident.

The rider soon returns and starts shouting at the car driver.

Netizens expressed their dissatisfaction towards the delivery rider's behaviour in the comment section.

"One reason why we still have these rude people on the road is that there are almost always no consequences for their behaviour, despite being clearly in the wrong," commented Sasa86.

"He feels no shame. If he did, he wouldn't turn back to argue even when he is wrong," wrote another user.

Beneficial_Tale_2957, meanwhile, said the video should be taken to the police and that the man should be reported for criminal intimidation.

"Road rage is a criminal offence that is punishable with a fine or imprisonment of up to two years. If he does it to you, he definitely has been doing it to others."

Meanwhile, user Strider-rider expressed incredulity that after shouting at the car driver, the rider continued riding against the flow of traffic.