About 200 residents in Kampung Melor Lama held a solat hajat (special prayer ceremony) following the worst drought season in 20 years, which has left wells dry and destroyed rice crops here. NSTP/NOR AMALINA ALIAS
About 200 residents in Kampung Melor Lama held a solat hajat (special prayer ceremony) following the worst drought season in 20 years, which has left wells dry and destroyed rice crops here. NSTP/NOR AMALINA ALIAS

KOTA BARU: About 200 residents in Kampung Melor Lama held a solat hajat (special prayer ceremony) following the worst drought season in 20 years, which has left wells dry and destroyed rice crops here.

The Imam Muda of Mukim Haji Hussin Mosque said the prayer was conducted in the fields cultivated by residents as their source of livelihood.

"This weather is the worst in history; wells have dried up, and rice crops could not yield any harvest. We performed this special prayer to seek Allah's blessings for rain to overcome this prolonged drought," said Ahmad Rosli Mohamad during the prayer event at Kampung Melor Lama today.

Ahmad Rosli mentioned that approximately 30 residents in the village cultivate rice as a traditional family occupation.

A farmer, Mohd Zain Senik, 67, stated that this season he could only harvest one-third of the 4.8 hectares of rice fields he manages.He said that usually, he could earn around RM100,000 from his harvest, but this time he incurred a loss of over RM80,000.

"This is the first time I've experienced such a severe loss. I don't know where to get the capital to replant the rice. Normally, I should be reaping the rewards by now, but the rice turned out to be a disappointment because the fields were too dry, the worst it's been in the 20 years I've been farming rice," he said.