KUALA LUMPUR: Firebrand Umno Youth chief Dr Akmal Saleh says he will heed Sultan Ibrahim, King of Malaysia's call to maintain harmony in the country.

This comes after Sultan Ibrahim issued a stern warning to politicians against extremist views, especially on issues related to race and religion.

"I will honour the Yang di-Pertuan Agong's advice to maintain harmony in the country and ensure the sanctity of Islam to reduce the polemic."

Earlier, Akmal, along with Umno deputy president Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan, Melaka Umno chief, Datuk Seri Ab Rauf Yusoh, and DAP deputy secretary-general Liew Chin Tong were granted an audience with Sultan Ibrahim.

In the meeting, Sultan Ibrahim said politicians should seek to unite the people and not divide them.

His Majesty said the recent controversy should serve as an eye-opener that everyone has a role to play in maintaining unity and harmony. 

"As Hari Raya approaches, let us forgive one another and open a new chapter," said Sultan Ibrahim.

Akmal has been vocal in calling for action and a boycott against KK Mart over the "Allah" socks controversy.

The Merlimau assemblyman is being investigated for sedition and improper use of network facilities over the socks issue.



Umno Youth chief Dr Akmal Saleh said he will heed the King’s advice. - Pic Courtesy of Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar Facebook Page
Umno Youth chief Dr Akmal Saleh said he will heed the King’s advice. - Pic Courtesy of Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar Facebook Page