The driver had parked in the middle of a parking lot, causing inconvenience to others.- PIC CREDIT: TIKTOK/@ariffrashid11
The driver had parked in the middle of a parking lot, causing inconvenience to others.- PIC CREDIT: TIKTOK/@ariffrashid11

KUALA LUMPUR: A video showing a dustbin and cone placed on top of a car has recently gone viral on social media.

The video reveals that frustrated drivers placed the items on the car as a lesson for parking inconsiderately. The driver had parked in the middle of a parking lot, causing inconvenience to others.

TikTok user @ariffrashid11, who shared the video, clarified that he was not responsible for the act.

Instead, other people did it after honking at the driver for hours to move the car that was blocking their way.

In the comments, social media users expressed their frustration with the driver.

"I did something similar once. Someone parked on a motorcycle pathway, so I asked a guard to help dump rubbish on the car," commented Sue.

Another user, rosmawatie98, remarked, "People like him never think about others; they only care about themselves. Whoever put the dustbin on the car did the right thing."