Remains of the late Tun Abdul Taib Mahmud are brought to the Demak Jaya Cemetery ahead of the burial. - NSTP/NADIM BOKHARI
Remains of the late Tun Abdul Taib Mahmud are brought to the Demak Jaya Cemetery ahead of the burial. - NSTP/NADIM BOKHARI

KUCHING: The tale of Tun Abdul Taib Mahmud showing his killer stare when irritated, or even angry, is not a myth but a reality, veteran journalists who had covered him when he was the chief minister would readily testify.

When that happened, it was a cue to pack up and leave as someone had committed the "cardinal sin" – at least to Taib - of asking a thorny question, they said.

"I have heard of it but never experienced it," The Star's Sarawak senior reporter, Sharon Ling, said recalling her experience covering Taib, who was the Chief Minister from March 1981 to February 2014.

But Sharon's much older peer, Rudi Affendi Khalik, said it was not a myth.

"It's true," the head of Astro Awani Sarawak said as he himself experienced a few brushes with Taib's legendary temper.

However, Rudi said Taib would not react that way unless he was genuinely irritated or provoked.

"Normally, he would just get up and walk away, cutting off the press conference abruptly."

Editor-in-Chief of The Sarawak Tribune Aden Nagrace Timor said in his experience Taib had asked the journalist who had provoked him: "You want me to give you a medal?".

"That shut the reporter up."

However, Rudi said it was a joy to cover Taib, especially when he "is in a good mood".

One thing that Rudi found out in the many years of covering Taib was never to come unprepared on the questions or issues that were to be asked.

"It's basic journalism. Do the homework first.

"If you don't, then it could get tough for the reporter. Taib is such a knowledgeable man that when he dove into a topic at length, that's when it would get tough."

Taib's play with words also compounded the problem for journalists who were not proficient in English, Rudi, who started his journalism career in 1996, added.

The last exclusive interview Rudi had with Taib was in 2021.

Aden agreed with Rudi that Taib was a very knowledgeable man.

"You ask him one simple question and his reply would go on and on," Aden said.

On the whole, Aden said he had a good experience covering Taib.

He dismissed claims that Taib was not friendly and said he never experienced that.

"I remember once. I had nothing to ask him and was standing near to his car.

"Just before he got in, he turned around and asked me if I had any questions to ask."