(File pic) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the rampant speculation over the transfer of power from Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has been partly fueled by inaccurate mainstream and social media reports. (NSTP/SYARAFIQ ABD SAMAD)
(File pic) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the rampant speculation over the transfer of power from Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has been partly fueled by inaccurate mainstream and social media reports. (NSTP/SYARAFIQ ABD SAMAD)

KUALA LUMPUR: PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the rampant speculation over the transfer of power from Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has been partly fueled by inaccurate mainstream and social media reports.

In a statement today, he said the reports have brought about a perception of conflict within the Pakatan Harapan (PH) leadership.

“I recognise there is abundant speculation about my taking over from Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad being fed in part by inaccurate reports in mainstream and social media, creating the perception of conflict among the leadership.

“I would like to set the record straight and reiterate that there is no issue whatsoever between Tun and I on the transition.

“We have agreed on the process and succession plan and this matter is also resolved within PH.

“After my meeting with Dr Mahathir on Wednesday, I restated my consistent position that he be given the space and support to lead the government,” Anwar said.

He was believed to be referring to a Financial Times (FT) report on Jan 2 which claimed there were rivals within PKR that could threaten his path to becoming the country’s eighth prime minister.

Two days after the FT report was published, he had come out to dismiss it as “fake news.”

Anwar today urged the PH leadership to stay focused on the pressing issues of removing economic hardships of the people, institutional reform and bringing to justice those who robbed from "the public purse".

He reiterated his support for Dr Mahathirʼs assertion that the PH government is strong.

Anwar assured that both of them are working diligently to fulfil their promises to Malaysians as a government that represents all the people and rejects all forms of race-baiting and incitement of hatred and violence.

He also cautioned that while much has been accomplished, the challenges ahead are formidable and will require teamwork and unity within PH.

“We recognise there are forces which would like to see us fail.

“I urge the leadership to be on guard against these forces that would prefer to see a resurgence of rentier culture and their attempts at hoarding the nationʼs wealth at the expense of social justice and the welfare of the people.

“Let us march forward and do our utmost towards the realisation and fulfilment of the peopleʼs aspirations for a progressive, prosperous and peaceful Malaysia.”