Laws prohibiting shark-hunting and finning are crucial towards the protection of endangered sharks in Sabah, said State Tourism, Culture and Environment minister Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun. Reader courtesy photo
Laws prohibiting shark-hunting and finning are crucial towards the protection of endangered sharks in Sabah, said State Tourism, Culture and Environment minister Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun. Reader courtesy photo

KOTA KINABALU: Laws prohibiting shark-hunting and finning are crucial towards the protection of endangered sharks in Sabah, said State Tourism, Culture and Environment minister Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun.

Masidi was responding on the circulation of pictures of shark-killing at Mabul island, shared in Facebook.

In January, it was reported that a group of tourists and divers had witnessed sharks being finned at the island.

Sabah had last year asked the Federal government to amend the Fisheries Act, specifically on shark protection in Sabah.

The request however was rejected as it was deemed unnecessary.

“With the absence of any law prohibiting shark-finning, what difference does it make?,” Masidi replied in WhatsApp message.

He added that an announcement would be made on the setting up of shark sanctuaries at marine parks soon.

In February, during the ‘My Fin My Life’ campaign here, Masidi said the shark sanctuaries would be set up at more than two million hectares of marine parks including the newly-gazetted Tun Mustapha Park in Kudat, Tunku Abdul Rahman park in Kota Kinabalu, and the Tun Sakaran marine park in Semporna.

Shark species are vital to the diving industry as nature enthusiasts generate revenue of about RM380 million every year.