PUTRAJAYA: The Islamic Development Department (JAKIM) will be organising special “Solat Hajat” and “Munajat” prayers in wake of the earthquake disaster that struck in Sabah recently.

Its Director-General Datuk Othman Mustapha said the prayers will be held at the National, Putra, and Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin mosques, and all other mosques and suraus in the Federal Territories.

He said the prayers, which would begin today, was held for the safety and well-being of those in the state.

“Jakim has also asked the religious authorities of all sates to take the initiative to hold the prayers at the mosques and suraus under their administration,”

“I have also urged that the prayers see the involvement of ulamas, community leaders, and the rakyat to pray for the safety of themselves and their possessions apart from good health and resilient faith of the victims in the state who were tested by the earthquake,” he said in a statement this afternoon.

Othman added the mosques under the purview of Jakim and the Federal Territories Islamic Religious Department (Jawi) had launched a special donation drive for the Sabah earthquake disaster relief.

The collection drive would begin on June 12 and would be channelled to Jakim’s disaster relief unit to be distributed to the victims and the mosque damaged by the disaster.

“Our prayers would also be for those security (rescue and relief) officers and all the people of Sabah who are in the affected areas to protect them from any further disaster, and to provide them more faith, and mental and physical strength,”

“We hope these efforts and our prayers will be accepted by God, as well as provide respite from the disaster that struck,” he said.