KOTA TINGGI: Three foreign ship captains were charged at the Kota Tinggi Sessions Court today for illegal possession and trading of subsidised diesel without valid permits in Johor's waters.

Two of the accused, Myanmar-national Kyaw Zay Yaa, 51, and Indonesian Hasanul Idris, 44, pleaded guilty to the offence committed in May 6 and 19, respectively.

Sessions court judge Salawati Djambari sentenced the duo to a fine of RM100,000 each, in default of one month's imprisonment.

Meanwhile, Pan Bunk Long, 51, from Thailand pleaded not guilty to possession of 163.460 litres of diesel on board his ship during his arrest on June 6 near Tanjung Surat.

Charged under Section 22 of the Control Supply Act 1961, Pan could be slapped with a maximum fine of RM100,000 or three years imprisonment or both.

Salawati granted bail of RM60.000 to Pan and ordered the accused to remain on board of his ship until the case is closed.

The case is scheduled for mention on August 12 this year.