Zaw Min Naing, 45, and U Kyaw Hla, 39, who initially claimed trial to the charge, entered a guilty plea to an amended charge during the trial yesterday. - NSTP/WAN NABIL NASIR
Zaw Min Naing, 45, and U Kyaw Hla, 39, who initially claimed trial to the charge, entered a guilty plea to an amended charge during the trial yesterday. - NSTP/WAN NABIL NASIR

ALOR STAR: The Sessions Court here today sentenced two Myanmar nationals to 18 months' jail for illegal possession of 6,200 litres of subsidised diesel in Pokok Sena last year.

Judge Jean Sharmila Jesudason meted out the sentence after the accused — Zaw Min Naing, 45, and U Kyaw Hla, 39, who initially claimed trial to the charge, entered a guilty plea to an amended charge during the trial yesterday.

On Feb 28 last year, both men, who held the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) card, were charged with illegal possession of 6,200 litres of subsidised diesel.

The subsidised diesel stored in two skid tanks was discovered in a raid at an unnumbered premises in Kampung Bukit Lada, Jalan Kubur Panjang about 12.15pm on Feb 24 last year.

The raid was part of the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry's Op Tiris.

The charge was framed under Section 21 of the Control of Supplies Act 1961.

The offence is punishable under Section 22(1) of the same act, which carries a fine of up to RM1 million or maximum three years' imprisonment, or both, upon conviction.

Deputy public prosecutors Mohamad Hezrin Abd Wahab and Mohd Hilmi Abu Hassan appeared for the prosecution, while lawyer Adam Majid represented both accused.

In mitigation, Adam told the court that the accused regretted their mistake and promised not to repeat it.

He also said that the two had families to support. Zhaw is married with six children and U is married with two young children aged 8 and 6.

However, Hezrin pressed for a commensurate punishment to serve as a lesson, apart from taking into account public interest and the increased penalty for the offence.

The court subsequently sentenced the two to 18 months' jail from the date of their arrest on Feb 24 last year.

The court also ordered that proceeds from the sale of the diesel worth RM13,330 and the ownership of other items seized in the raid be stripped and awarded to the Malaysian government.