National discus thrower, Muhammad Irfan Shamsuddin feels that he has done no wrong that can result in him facing action or being punished. Pic by NSTP/AHMAD IRHAM MOHD NOOR
National discus thrower, Muhammad Irfan Shamsuddin feels that he has done no wrong that can result in him facing action or being punished. Pic by NSTP/AHMAD IRHAM MOHD NOOR

KUALA LUMPUR: National discus thrower, Muhammad Irfan Shamsuddin feels that he has done no wrong that can result in him facing action or being punished.

The 23-year-old athlete explained that he was just another normal athlete expressing his feelings and frustrations on social media which were aimed at Sport Minister, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman so that he is aware of the actual situation and what is really going on right now.

"What did I do wrong? Please tell me.

"Am I not allowed to express how I feel on my own Instagram account? Expressing one’s feelings and making accusations are two very different things.

"Accusations mean that I am accusing. Expressing my feelings was a way for me to put forth to the minister why certain things are happening and what are his plans after this.

"I do not feel that I have done wrong because I am a citizen and an athlete who just wants to know what is going on,” he said.

Irfan left for Prague, Czech Republic last night (Tuesday) to undergo a three month training stint over there by bearing the costs himself which is estimated to be more than RM100,000 after his application was not approved by the National Sports Council (NSC).

Speaking further, Irfan said that he has no other choice but to train overseas because he does not have access to the proper equipment here.

"For access to NSC’s equipment, I have made requests for years but to no avail.

"Perhaps I have to be an Olympic champion, and only then will I be granted the necessary access and assistance,” he quipped.

When asked with regards to his meeting with Tunku Mahkota Johor (TMJ), Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim last week, Irfan said that it was just an ordinary meeting.

"Tunku invited me to Johor as he granted me an audience which is an honour for me.”

When asked if the audience with Tunku Ismail was to discuss the question of sponsorship, Irfan declined to comment.

"For now I can’t really comment,” he said.

Before this, Irfan had expressed his feelings on his social media account, asking for an explanation from Syed Saddiq after being uncomfortable with a couple of issues involving him including the discontinuation of his coach’s (Frantisek Petrovic) services and rejection of his planning to train overseas.