Sport Commissioner, Datuk Zaiton Othman explained that the need to form a temporary committee in AAM’s place was voiced by stakeholders themselves who represented various entities and organisations that met with her yesterday (Wednesday). (PIC BY OWEE AH CHUN)
Sport Commissioner, Datuk Zaiton Othman explained that the need to form a temporary committee in AAM’s place was voiced by stakeholders themselves who represented various entities and organisations that met with her yesterday (Wednesday). (PIC BY OWEE AH CHUN)

KUALA LUMPUR: A special temporary committee will be formed to take over the functions of the Automobile Association of Malaysia (AAM) after the association was deregistered as a sports association by the Sports Commissioner’s Office (SCO).

Sports Commissioner, Datuk Zaiton Othman who understands the concerns and grouses of the motorsports fraternity, especially the drivers, riders and racers, said that she will be meeting with Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman sometime today (Thursday) to discuss further on the matter.

Zaiton explained that the need to form a temporary committee was voiced by stakeholders themselves who represented various entities and organisations that met with her yesterday (Wednesday).

"The temporary committee will take over the functions of AAM until an Annual General Meeting (AGM) is carried out to form a new body or association.

“We will hasten this process so that motorsports in Malaysia is not compromised in any way.

"Tomorrow (Thursday) is when the Sports Minister is expected to make a decision on the next course of action for motorsports here in Malaysia,” she said.

When asked on why not proceed with recognising the Motorsports Association of Malaysia (MAM) as a sports association or body to replace AAM, Zaiton responded that they need to follow and abide by procedures that are already in place. “There is the possibility that such a move might not be in line with international procedures.

“Usually we need to form a new committee and where this matter is concerned, MAM are also involved,” she added.

Zaiton further explained that she is well aware that there will be many races and motorsports related events in the near future and this is the reason why she is determined to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Earlier, Zaiton had confirmed that AAM were deregistered as a sports body since November last year for failure to abide by the 1997 Sports Development Act.

She said that such a move had to be made as AAM refused to cooperate even though they were sent letters of reminders and show cause letters a few times, which resulted in the association not being able to organise, conduct, or sanction nor take part in any activities including competitions, events or forums that take place locally or abroad. The decision caused an uproar in the motorsports fraternity as questions were raised as to which body or association they could refer to in the future after AAM’s deregistration.