SHAH ALAM: An emotional Faisal Halim said today he couldn't even hug his four-year-old son after the national football star suffered serious injuries from an acid attack by an unknown assailant last month.

The 26-year-old, who suffered fourth-degree burn, said his heart ached because he could not cuddle his son.

"I'm very close to my son. After this happened to me, for more than a month, I was unable to hug him," said Faisal who wept during a press conference in Shah Alam today.

"My son used to get sick when I'm away for matches because he misses me so much.

"It's such a simple thing for a father to do, yet I couldn't hug him. My child could not feel the love of his father.

"After I was discharged from hospital and returned home, I was still unable to hug him due to my wounds.

"It was only about four or five days ago that I could finally hug him."

Faisal is currently placed in a safe house with his family with Selangor providing armed guards.

"I want to live my life normally, I have not wronged anyone or been arrogant to people, but it seems like I have to be careful with people after this," said Faisal.

An emotional Faisal Halim said today he couldn’t even hug his four-year-old son after the national football star suffered serious injuries from an acid attack by an unknown assailant last month. NSTP/FAIZ ANUAR
An emotional Faisal Halim said today he couldn’t even hug his four-year-old son after the national football star suffered serious injuries from an acid attack by an unknown assailant last month. NSTP/FAIZ ANUAR