(File pix) Parti Amanah Negara (PAN) president Mohamad Sabu says Pas, as a party, is no longer needed in Malaysia. Pix by FARIS ZAINULDIN.
(File pix) Parti Amanah Negara (PAN) president Mohamad Sabu says Pas, as a party, is no longer needed in Malaysia. Pix by FARIS ZAINULDIN.

KOTA BARU: Parti Amanah Negara (PAN) and Pakatan Harapan will square off with Pas in Kelantan and other states in the upcoming 14th General Election.

PAN president Mohamad Sabu says Pas, as a party, is no longer needed in Malaysia.

Pas, he said, has deviated from its original struggle. He said the Islamic party is fighting against the people, the Orang Asli and that its approach was incompatible with Islam.

He said the party was also making enemies of its friends and turning itself into the enemy.

"Pakatan is working to take over the administration of Kelantan as it is spoiled and in critical condition," he said.

Mohamad was speaking to reporters at the party's national level Hari Raya Open House at the Chinese Assembly Hall here today.

He was commenting on a statement by Pas vice-president Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah that there was no need for opposition parties including PAN and Pakatan to contest in Kelantan in the coming general election as Pas has a strong foothold in the state.

Amar had also said that the presence of other parties was disturbing the situation (kacau daun) and would only assist Umno and Barisan Nasional.