File pic credit (Women Online Magazine)
File pic credit (Women Online Magazine)

KEK LUMUT, also known as moss cake, is a hidden gem within Sarawak's rich culinary heritage.

This green steamed delight promises a unique flavour adventure and texture that tantalises the taste buds. Despite its intriguing name, kek lumut is anything but ordinary, leaving those who try it craving more of its distinctive charm.


Prepare to be enchanted by kek lumut's texture symphony. Unlike your average cake, this treat boasts a velvety softness that melts in your mouth with every bite, courtesy of its secret ingredients like butter and condensed milk. But that's not all – brace yourself for a delightful surprise as you encounter subtle hints of crunchiness, thanks to crumbled biscuits or ground nuts sprinkled within.


Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, kek lumut wows with its flavourful twists. Infused with the fragrant essence of pandan leaves, this cake offers a captivating green hue and a tantalising aroma that invites you to dive in.

But don't be surprised to find unexpected flavours like srikaya or Horlicks adding a pop of excitement to your taste journey.


Kek lumut isn't just a dessert – it's a beloved tradition woven into the fabric of Sarawakian culture. From festive gatherings to everyday indulgences, this cake graces tables across the region, spreading joy with every bite.

Whether enjoyed as a snack or savoured as a satisfying end to a meal, kek lumut holds a special place in the hearts of locals and visitors alike.


Ready to embark on a culinary adventure like no other? Make sure to seek out kek lumut on your next trip to Sarawak.

With its enchanting blend of textures and flavours, this unassuming cake promises to delight your senses and leave you craving for more. Don't miss out on the magic of kek lumut – it's a sweet surprise you won't soon forget!