Kedah Umno information chief Datuk Shaiful Hazizy Zainol Abidin expressed gratitude, emphasising that no one is ‘maksum’ (infallible). NST file pix
Kedah Umno information chief Datuk Shaiful Hazizy Zainol Abidin expressed gratitude, emphasising that no one is ‘maksum’ (infallible). NST file pix

ALOR STAR: Kedah Umno is optimistic of better state and federal government cooperation after Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor apologised to the Prime Minister and Cabinet ministers during the state-level Madani Aidilfitri 2024 ceremony on Saturday.

Kedah Umno information chief Datuk Shaiful Hazizy Zainol Abidin expressed gratitude, emphasising that no one is 'maksum' (infallible).

"Alhamdulillah. Sanusi has apologised to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim over any inappropriate remarks made in the context of human relations.

"True, no one is maksum. Therefore, I sincerely hope that the relationship between Sanusi and Anwar can improve for the sake of harmony and cooperation between the state and federal governments for the people of Kedah," he said in a statement today.

During the state-level Madani Aidilfitri celebration 2024 held at Tasik Darulaman, Sanusi extended apologies on behalf of himself and the state government to Anwar for any inappropriate remarks while carrying out his duties as the menteri besar.

Sanusi also extended the same apologies to members of the cabinet, acknowledging that mistakes are inevitable as a fallible human being.

Meanwhile, Shaiful lauded Anwar for his commitment to enhancing the rice and agriculture sector in the state, including increasing the Muda Agriculture Development Authority (Mada) allocation from RM3 billion to RM5 billion.

He also lauded the approval granted to Mada to convert padi fields for commercial use, aiming to boost state revenue.

"Federal government agencies in the state should be entrusted to monitor and ensure the well-being of Kedahans, particularly farmers, is consistently safeguarded.

"The strengthening or empowerment of federal agencies in the state should be consistently pursued to address pressing issues such as rice cartel activities, illegal sale of padi seeds, and scarcity of authentic padi seeds," he added.

He said that empowering federal agencies in the state would not only resolve various issues but also enhance agricultural quality, thereby increasing farmers' incomes.

"For instance, the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (Mardi) has successfully identified new rice varieties resistant to pests in Mada areas, as well as introduced two new seed varieties. Consider the contributions this agency could make to the agriculture sector with further support," he added.

Commenting further, he hoped the government would continue supporting federal agencies in the state for the welfare of the people, particularly farmers in Kedah.

"In conclusion, Kedah possesses immense agricultural and rice potential, and we hope this positive momentum continues," he added.