Former health minister Khairy Jamaluddin has criticised both government and opposition leaders for resorting to name-calling in addressing their political opponents, urging them to display more maturity. - Pic from YouTube Keluar Sekejap podcast.
Former health minister Khairy Jamaluddin has criticised both government and opposition leaders for resorting to name-calling in addressing their political opponents, urging them to display more maturity. - Pic from YouTube Keluar Sekejap podcast.

KUALA LUMPUR: Former health minister Khairy Jamaluddin has criticised both government and opposition leaders for resorting to name-calling in addressing their political opponents, urging them to display more maturity.

Khairy, referring to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Perikatan Nasional chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, criticised the terms "madanon" and "walaun" and advised the leaders to "grow up."

Noting that both Anwar and Muhyiddin are in their 70s, he emphasised that the use of such labels, including terms like "khawarij" mentioned in a recent Friday sermon at mosques, could escalate into harsher insults.

"Khawarij" is a term denoting Muslims with extremist views or engaging in violence against other Muslims.

"Muhyiddin and Anwar are grandfathers, yet they still resort to calling their rivals 'walaun' and 'madanon'.

"You are not children to use these sorts of labels. Come on, grow up, guys. If (both of) you are not serious leaders, step aside. We're gonna come back again," Khairy said in the latest episode of Keluar Sekejap podcast.

The term "madanon" was recently used by Muhyiddin at the Bersatu general assembly, commonly employed by PN supporters to label those supporting Anwar's administration, known for the slogan "Malaysia Madani."

It combines the term Madani with "Bang Non", a nickname used by Anwar's family to refer to him.

Anwar, in April last year, had used the term "walaun" against his critics during a dialogue session with university students, referring to hardcore supporters.