Celebrity preacher PU Syed has rejected popular actor and businessman Datuk Rosyam Nor’s idea to have brothels fo foreign workers to address the prevalence of rape crimes. NSTP FILE PIC
Celebrity preacher PU Syed has rejected popular actor and businessman Datuk Rosyam Nor’s idea to have brothels fo foreign workers to address the prevalence of rape crimes. NSTP FILE PIC

KUALA LUMPUR: Celebrity preacher PU Syed has rejected popular actor and businessman Datuk Rosyam Nor's idea to have brothels fo foreign workers to address the prevalence of rape crimes.

PU Syed, whose real name is Syed Mohd Bakri Syed Ishak, said such an idea was irrelevant, what more when in the context of an Islamic country.

"I do not agree with Rosyam's view on the need to have prostitution dens, brothels as a means to address the needs and cravings of foreign workers here in Malaysia.

"Such a view, such an opinion is not in line with Islam, what more in an Islamic country," he told Berita Harian when asked to comment.

PU Syed added that Rosyam's reasoning that brothels would lower the rape case rate was also wrong.

"It can still happen, even worse if brothels are allowed to operate as then adultery will be widespread.

"Adultery is a big sin and the ramifications are quite bad for those who commit such a sin as adultery. Even if we say that the foreign workers are not Muslims, but then there are still many who are Muslims.

"Even though it has been said that it can reduce the number of rape cases, there are ulama who have said that such a vile act cannot be addressed by something that is just as bad and detrimental."

PU Syed said the existence of brothels can also lead to other harmful matters.

"Muslims should not issue such a statement and air such a view because we live by rules and regulations, there are laws that are in place," he said.

Earlier, through the podcast 'Hitam Putih Kehidupan' that was uploaded on Suhan Channel on TikTok, Rosyam had likened brothels as 'facilities' for foreign male workers to see to their needs and cravings as many of them have left their wives behind back in their home countries to come and earn a living here in Malaysia.