Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri said statements, suggestions, or jokes insensitive to women cannot be normalised, particularly when they contradict the law, principles, family values, culture, and religion. - NSTP file pic
Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri said statements, suggestions, or jokes insensitive to women cannot be normalised, particularly when they contradict the law, principles, family values, culture, and religion. - NSTP file pic

KUALA LUMPUR: Women deserve better recognition than being degraded as 'tools' to solve social issues, as suggested by a local celebrity recently, says the Women, Family and Community Development minister.

Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri said statements, suggestions, or jokes insensitive to women cannot be normalised, particularly when they contradict the law, principles, family values, culture, and religion.

The ministry, she said, maintains a zero-tolerance policy toward any form of violence against women—whether physical, sexual, emotional, or psychological—and this stance is fully supported across ministries.

Her response was prompted by Datuk Rosyam Nor's statement suggesting the establishment of prostitution dens in the country as a means to curb the crime of rape involving foreign workers.

"As a woman, I personally believe that any proposal that views women as 'tools' to solve social problems is degrading. Women deserve better recognition and treatment than that.

"As the Minister of Women, Family, and Community Development, I emphasise that the ministry consistently focuses on empowering women through various programs. These initiatives aim to increase women's involvement and capacity in various sectors at all levels, allowing them to contribute significantly to national development.

"This includes facilitating an environment conducive to providing women with equal opportunities for a dignified career," she said in a statement.

She added that awareness and positive publicity for women's rights and support systems need to be planted and spread to the general public and not the opposite.

"Statements, suggestions or jokes that are insensitive to women cannot be normalised. Not to mention when it openly contradicts from various angles, whether from the point of law, principles and family values and culture and religion.

"I believe Malaysians are knowledgeable and civilised people, and we need to act better and smarter in the future, especially to set a commendable example for our future generations," she said.