Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. -NSTP FILE/ASYRAF HAMZAH
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. -NSTP FILE/ASYRAF HAMZAH

PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today underscored the Madani government's commitment to upholding the principles of free speech, with a caution against its abuse.

Drawing attention to certain Islamic preachers, he highlighted concerns about their narrow-mindedness and engagement in politics, warning that such behaviour could foster judgmental attitudes among the public.

"I would like to emphasise that we must draw the line. While we (support) freedom of speech, we must abide by the law.

"Muslim nations have been known to have been destroyed because of these elements."

Anwar said this during a "no holds barred" dialogue with senior editors from the country's electronic, print and online media.

The session, held at the Kompleks Seri Perdana here, featured journalists from various publications nationwide including Sabah and Sarawak.

For more than an hour, Anwar fielded a host of hard-hitting questions, ranging from the country's economics projection for next year, the unity government's relations with Umno heading into the 16th General Election, his relationship with the incoming agong Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar and others.

Acknowledging the inherent connection between Islam and politics, Anwar said insulting and condemning others do not by any means represent the nature of Islamic politics.

He said some 'ustaz' (religious preachers) had voiced their anger, claiming they were banned from using mosques for politics.

Anwar clarified that this was a matter decreed by the Malay Rulers even before he became prime minister.

"There were even instances where the imam had asked me to deliver a 'tazkirah' (knowledge-sharing) when I visited mosques.

"I had to respectfully decline as, although I am the prime minister and speaking in that capacity, I didn't want to give the opportunity for others to accuse me of allowing some (to speak of politics in mosques) and not others."