KOTA KINABALU: A 28-year-old prisoner is grateful to be chosen for the Licensed Release of Prisoners Programme (PBSL), allowing him to celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri with his family.

"When I was in jail, I was always thinking about my wife and daughter who have to celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri without me," said the prisoner, who only wanted to be known as Alex.

"But Allah's plan is better as I was chosen to be a part of PBSL before Aidilfitri."

He said he was arrested in January over drug abuse.

"I will not touch drugs again. I am determined to turn over a new leaf for my family, especially for my 3-year-old daughter."

Asked about his plans for Syawal, Alex, who used to work as a lorry driver, said his family would visit relatives.

"I am not a picky eater. Whatever my wife cooks, I will love it."

Alex's wife, Lisa, 23, said she was thrilled that her husband could go home before Aidilfitri.

"I hope my husband will not repeat his mistake. I will not be easily influenced by his friends from now on.

"I want us to improve our relationship and be a good example to our child."

Kota Kinabalu Women's Prison director Kesumawati Lias said 15 male inmates and one female inmate were chosen for the PBSL.

"Prisoners who meet conditions and are serving sentences of less than a year are chosen."

She said about 200 prisoners had been chosen for the programme in Sabah since January.

On the overcrowding issue at the Kota Kinabalu Central Prison, its deputy director, Mohammad Sa'ad Bantalani, said there were concerns abut the density of the central prison.

"The capacity is supposed to be 1,329 prisoners. But up to this morning, we have 2,576 prisoners.

"We believe programmes like the PBSL can reduce the problem."