Home Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said this while giving his assurance to the families of both men about thier concerns over the task force.NSTP/Eizairi Shamsudin
Home Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said this while giving his assurance to the families of both men about thier concerns over the task force.NSTP/Eizairi Shamsudin

KUALA LUMPUR: The task force to investigate the disappearance Pastor Raymond Koh and activist Amri Che Mat will be fair and professional in dispensing its duty.

Home Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said this while giving his assurance to the families of both men about thier concerns over the task force.

He was also addressing criticism that has been leveled due to the inclusion of former and serving police officers into the task force.

“The task force members have the capability to cary out the task at hand. They will get to the bottom of the disappearance of the two men. The task force is headed by former High Court judge Datuk Abd Rahim Uda.

“He should be given the chance to do his job. I am sure that this team will do a good job.”

He was speaking to reporters during a Registrar of Societies (RoS) Hari Raya event, which gathered organisations from all over the country at the National Association of Wives of Civil Servants and Women Civil Servants (Puspanita) here today.

Muhyiddin also addressed the families’ criticism against the appointment of former police legal division chief Datuk Mokhtar Mohd Noor into the task force.

Both Koh’s and Amri’s family criticised the inclusion of Mokhtar as he was previously at the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) hearing submitting on behalf of the police.

“There is a misunderstanding on Datuk Mokhtar’s situation. He attended the Suhakam hearing, which was an open hearing. I don’t think his inclusion in the task force will somehow taint the investigation.”

On another issue, Muhyiddin denied a claim from Bukit Gelugor member of parliament Ramkarpal Singh that he had uttered negative comments about the late Teoh Beng Hock’s family.

“I want to clarify that I did not say anything negative about the family. Perhaps he (Ramkarpal) misheard what I said. I have also spoken to the Attorney-General with regards to this issue and the A-G has informed me that his office will make a statement to clear the air on the matter,” he said.

On yet another matter, Muhyiddin said that Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) was in the midst of amending to its party constitution.

“Bersatu is undergoing a process to amend the party’s constitution so that the party will he able to run smoothly and more effectively.”