(File pix) Henry Butcher Art Auctioneers Art + Architecture Auction will be held on June 30, 2019 at Galeri Prima, Balai Berita, Bangsar. Pix by Owee Ah Chun
(File pix) Henry Butcher Art Auctioneers Art + Architecture Auction will be held on June 30, 2019 at Galeri Prima, Balai Berita, Bangsar. Pix by Owee Ah Chun

KUALA LUMPUR: A selection of works by highly acclaimed local artists including Datuk Ibrahim Hussein, Abdul Latiff Mohidin, Datuk Syed Ahmad Jamal, Redza Piyadasa, Yusof Ghani, Awang Damit Ahmad, will be the highlights of the Henry Butcher Art Auctioneers Art + Architecture Auction on June 30 at Galeri Prima, Bangsar.

The auction, which is held in conjunction with Henry Butcher Art Auctioneers 10th anniversary, and the prestigious Kuala Lumpur Architecture Festival 2019, will also offer an array of exciting modern and contemporary works by Southeast Asian artists.

Executive director for Henry Butcher Art Auctioneers Sim Polenn expects 350 people to attend the auction, including bidders who would be bidding online from all over the world.

He said two main attractions would be an oil on canvas painting titled Hijrah by artist Datuk Syed Ahmad Jamal, which is worth between RM350,000 and RM550,000, and mixed media painting Xenobiosis by Datuk Ibrahim Hussein worth between RM300,000 and RM500,000.

Apart from paintings, the auction sale will also feature sculptures, photography/digital prints and works on paper.

For more details, members of the public can contact Sim at 0162733628 or visit www. Hbart.com.my