Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad expressed his satisfaction with Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia’s (Bersatu) second general assembly, saying it opened up opportunities for members to criticise the leadership, and for the leadership to take stock of itself. Pic by NSTP/AHMAD IRHAM MOHD NOOR
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad expressed his satisfaction with Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia’s (Bersatu) second general assembly, saying it opened up opportunities for members to criticise the leadership, and for the leadership to take stock of itself. Pic by NSTP/AHMAD IRHAM MOHD NOOR

PUTRAJAYA: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad expressed his satisfaction with Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia’s (Bersatu) second general assembly, saying it opened up opportunities for members to criticise the leadership, and for the leadership to take stock of itself.

Delegates from all states, said the Bersatu chairman, were given an opportunity to air their views and a host of ideas were gleaned from the debate sessions.

“They (delegates) were given the opportunity to criticise the leadership and also to criticise themselves.

“A lot of good advice was also given by debaters as well as (good) replies given by the members of the supreme council.

“Many things were made clearer after the replies were made. I think generally the delegates appeared to be satisfied with the meeting, with the explanations given to them,” said Dr Mahathir at a press conference following the end of the three-day assembly at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC).

He urged Bersatu delegates to be dedicated.

“They should also strive to increase the membership numbers as we feel that, due to certain circumstances, our performance in the last election was not as good as expected.

“Nevertheless, we contributed towards the overall victory. We were equally responsible for gaining the victory over the previous government,” he said.

Asked for his opinion on the level of unity within Pakatan Harapan following the challenges it has faced since forming the Federal government, Dr Mahathir Mahathir described the coalition as being “very stable.” However, he also took a swipe at the government’s detractors, in particular the media.

“Investors are very happy with our performance and our assurances (for) both domestic and foreign.

“Of course, we are not stable in the eyes of journalists because if we were stable, there would be nothing to report,” he quipped.

Dr Mahathir was also asked to comment on a controversial call by Bersatu vice-president Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Ab Rahman’ to reinstate the Federal Development Department (JPP) and give projects to party divisions to finance their activities.

He replied that the matter would have to be looked into.

“We will think up the best way by being fair and without violating the laws,” he said.

Dr Mahathir maintained that Bersatu remains firm on its stand against corruption. He said should Bersatu members be awarded contracts, it should not be automatically assumed that it is because they are from the party.

“Some of our people are very capable and have been discriminated against by the previous government.

“I think they now feel they have a chance to tender for contracts. If they get a contract, don’t assume that it’s because they are from the party.

“They are equally capable and should be willing. There is no discrimination, unlike that being practised by the previous government,” said Dr Mahathir when asked on his view regarding calls to consider party members when awarding projects.

Asked to give his assurance that fair process would be given when awarding projects, Dr Mahathir said the right thing to do would be through a tender process.

“We can’t be assured of everything. There is the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). If they do anything wrong, you can be assured the MACC will be set upon them.”