A viral video clip of the incident, which was taken by a customer, shows a thick column of fire surging from the middle of the large eatery’s roof, as diners fled their tables and passersby looked on in horror. (Pic screenshot from Youtube)
A viral video clip of the incident, which was taken by a customer, shows a thick column of fire surging from the middle of the large eatery’s roof, as diners fled their tables and passersby looked on in horror. (Pic screenshot from Youtube)

GEORGE TOWN: Patrons of the popular Kayu Nasi Kandar restaurant here ran helter-skelter to safety last night when a large fire broke out in the outlet’s kitchen.

A viral video clip of the incident, which was taken by a customer, shows a thick column of fire surging from the middle of the large eatery’s roof, as diners fled their tables and passersby looked on in horror.

One patron, Muhammad Rafiq Abdul Rahman, 38, said he was dining with friends, when they suddenly heard screams of “fire” from restaurant workers.

“Immediately after, everyone ran out of the restaurant, for fear that the fire would spread,” he said.

Rafiq said the restaurant was almost packed with fans watching the live AFF Suzuki match between Malaysia and Thailand.

“As soon as we got out, I saw that the fire in the kitchen was very intense, and several workers were trying to put it out.

“Quick action by the employees (led to the flames being brought under control) and by then, the firemen arrived,” he added.

Meanwhile, a spokesman from the state Fire and Rescue Department said they received a distress call at about 9.02pm and two fire engines were rushed to the scene.

He said by the time they arrived, the fire had been put out using a fire extinguisher.

“The fire did not affect the building’s structure, only the kitchen.

“No injury was reported and the restaurant went back to normal operation soon after,” he added.