Gobind Singh Deo said that this study is necessary to prevent one-sided news reports especially by media firms that have political party shareholders. (BERNAMA)
Gobind Singh Deo said that this study is necessary to prevent one-sided news reports especially by media firms that have political party shareholders. (BERNAMA)

KUALA LUMPUR: The Communications and Multimedia Ministry is still mulling whether to limit political party ownership of media companies.

Its minister Gobind Singh Deo said that this study is necessary to prevent one-sided news reports especially by media firms that have political party shareholders.

“I am aware of (concerns) on political party shareholdings (in media companies) that lead to perception of one-sided reporting.

"Many have expressed worry with the shareholdings by certain political figures that influence its reporting.

“I am agreeable with the suggestion to limit the shareholdings of political entities in media companies, we are looking into this.

“What is important is how to ensure that media news reporting is neutral, truthful, and able to encourage discussion among the people regarding policies or issues.

“What we see globally is that the people of a country is shaped by news reports and what they read. Their thinking is shaped by what they read in the media,” he said during the Question and Answer session at the Dewan Rakyat today.

He was answering a question from Tan Kok Wai (PH-DAP-Cheras) on how to ensure the media enjoys freedom while at the same time it could act as check and balance against the government.