Pos Malaysia Berhad (Pos Malaysia) has unveiled its Malaysia Day 2018 stamp series. Pix by Aizuddin Saad
Pos Malaysia Berhad (Pos Malaysia) has unveiled its Malaysia Day 2018 stamp series. Pix by Aizuddin Saad

KUALA LUMPUR: Pos Malaysia Berhad (Pos Malaysia) has unveiled its Malaysia Day 2018 stamp series which highlights the art collection of renowned local artist Syed Thajudeen.

The set of 20 pieces of stamps worth RM12 showed two images from Syed Thajudeen's artwork featuring two women with KLCC, and two men with the Malaysian flag and Putrajaya as the background.

The miniature sheet (MS) features the Malaysian flag and the word ‘Merdeka’ and comes with special features such as the invisible ink (visible under UV lights) on its Half Moon, Star and Malaysian Map. It’s priced at RM5 apiece.

Other philatelic products such as the First Day Cover (FDC) which comes with a free brochure and folders are available at 50 sen and RM6 each respectively. The complete folder set of the series is priced at RM42.20 each.

Head Stamp & Philately Unit of Pos Malaysia, Diyana Lean Abdullah, said the stamps were printed in a limited amount.

“We printed 200,000 pieces of each stamp design, 30,000 pieces of FDC, 25,000 pieces of MS, and 1,800 folders,” said Diyana at Pos Laju’s headquarters here.

She said Malaysia is known as a melting pot of culture and though diverse in beliefs and ethnicity, the ‘rakyat’ still are able to live and collaborate harmoniously in one voice, ensuring the progress of this beloved country.

“Through this series, Pos Malaysia hoped that it would bring collectors and stamp enthusiasts together to further understand and embrace the importance of unity in Malaysia.”

The stamp series will go on sale on Sept 18.

Previously, Pos Malaysia produced a similar-themed stamp series namely ‘Malaysia #SehatiSejiwa’ (2015) and ‘Negaraku’ (2017).

On another stamp series, Pos Malaysia said the ‘Sayangi Malaysiaku’ series are still available until Sept 30.