SERDANG: Supply of livestock for Aidiladha celebration are adequate to meet the demand this year, Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Salahuddin Ayub said today.

He said based on the Veterinary Services Department (DVS) statistics, the availability of cattle's - local and imported - stood at 50,125 heads while goats and sheep at 42,160 heads.

He said for cows, apart from local suppliers, some are also imported from Thailand and Australia.

"For goats, the animals are mostly imported from Australia and Indonesia," he said.

However, Salahuddin said the ministry has to take into consideration the Export Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS) of the Australian goverment which restrict imports of cattle's and goats from the country from July 7 to Aidiladha day.

Meanwhile, he said DVS has approved the licences to 53 private slaugtherhouse around Peninsula Malaysia for ‘korban’ purposes.

Salahuddin Ayub said for cows, apart from local suppliers, some are also imported from Thailand and Australia. (NSTP/MOHD KHAIRUL HELMY MOHD DIN)
Salahuddin Ayub said for cows, apart from local suppliers, some are also imported from Thailand and Australia. (NSTP/MOHD KHAIRUL HELMY MOHD DIN)