Kedah Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry officers with some of the products seized from the factory. Pic courtesy of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry
Kedah Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry officers with some of the products seized from the factory. Pic courtesy of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry

ALOR STAR: The Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry seized beauty supplement products worth over RM1.3 million for illegally using halal logos during a raid on a factory in Pokok Sena yesterday.

The ministry's Kedah director Muhammad Nizam Jamaludin said the 11am raid was jointly conducted with officers from the Kedah Islamic Religious Department (JHEAIK) Halal Management Division.

"Checks revealed that the factory was not a holder of a halal certificate that is acknowledged by competent authorities, either the Islamic Development Department Malaysia (Jakim) or the State Islamic Religious Council.

"Further checks at the premises showed that the factory was using halal logos on every package of various products manufactured by the company.

"The total value of products seized during the raid is RM1,336,499.60," he said in a statement today.

Nizam added that the action was taken under the Trade Description Act (Certification and Halal Logo) 2011 which denotes that all food, goods and services shall not be described as halal unless it is certified by the authorities.

The company is liable to a fine up to RM200,000 for the first offence and maximum RM500,000 for subsequent offences.