A 42-year-old motorcyclist was killed after crashing into several pig carcasses scattered across the road at Km15 Jalan Seremban-Kuala Pilah, Ulu Bendul, early today.
A 42-year-old motorcyclist was killed after crashing into several pig carcasses scattered across the road at Km15 Jalan Seremban-Kuala Pilah, Ulu Bendul, early today.

KUALA PILAH: A 42-year-old motorcyclist was killed after crashing into several pig carcasses scattered across the road at Km15 Jalan Seremban-Kuala Pilah, Ulu Bendul, early today.

Acting Kuala Pilah deputy district police chief Assistant Superintendent Norazuan Said said the victim died at the scene from severe head injuries in the 6.30am incident.

He was on his way to work in Bahau from Senawang.

"As a result of the accident, the motorcyclist sustained severe head injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene."

Norazuan said initial checks showed that the motorcyclist crashed into several pig carcasses, which were previously run over by other vehicles. The motorcyclist lost control of his machine before he crashed to the roadside.

"The motorcyclist sustained severe head injuries and was confirmed dead at the scene. His remains were brought to the Tuanku Ampuan Najihah Hospital. The case is being investigated under Section 41(1) of the Road Transport Act 1987," he said.