An investigation related to the incident has been initiated under Section 31(1)(a) of the Child Act 2001. - Pic credit Freepik
An investigation related to the incident has been initiated under Section 31(1)(a) of the Child Act 2001. - Pic credit Freepik

KUALA TERENGGANU: A 16-month-old toddler was found dead after being believed to have been left in a car at a public university in Kuala Nerus yesterday.

Initial investigations by the police, who received the report of the incident at 4.30pm yesterday, revealed that the toddler's father had allegedly forgotten to drop off his child at the daycare centre located on the same university campus before heading to work at the university.

Kuala Terengganu district police chief Assistant Commissioner Abdul Rahim Md Din stated that the police were also informed by the university's health centre staff that the child in question was confirmed to have already passed away.

"As soon as we received the report, the police rushed to the scene and found that the child had already passed away. The body was sent to the Sultanah Nur Zahirah Hospital (HSNZ) Forensic Medicine Department for a post-mortem examination.

"In this matter, a post-mortem examination was conducted at the hospital last night and the cause of death has not yet been determined as we are still awaiting laboratory analysis," he said when contacted today.

He said that an investigation related to the incident has been initiated under Section 31(1)(a) of the Child Act 2001.

He also advised the public not to make any speculations about the incident to preserve the sensitivity and feelings of the victim's family.