Magistrate Siti Hafiza Jaafar meted out the sentence after Shahirul Syafiq Shaharin@Hassan, 31, who worked of a driver, pleaded guilty to the offence. Pic by NSTP/MUHAIZAN YAHYA
Magistrate Siti Hafiza Jaafar meted out the sentence after Shahirul Syafiq Shaharin@Hassan, 31, who worked of a driver, pleaded guilty to the offence. Pic by NSTP/MUHAIZAN YAHYA

IPOH: A man, who claimed to be a ‘Datuk Seri’ and private secretary to the prime minister was today sentenced to 18 months’ jail by the Magistrate’s court for possessing and using fake royal emblem six months ago.

Magistrate Siti Hafiza Jaafar meted out the sentence after Shahirul Syafiq Shaharin@Hassan, 31, who worked of a driver, pleaded guilty to the offence.

The court ordered the sentence to run from the date of his arrest on March 30.

Shahirul Shafiq was accused of possessing and use emblem, logo, stamps and titles that were not recognised for personal use at his house at No 3, Jalan Enclave 3, Enclave Residence, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, at about 11.45pm on March 30.

Shahirul Syafiq was accused under Section 3(1)(a) of the Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act 1963 which carries a maximum penalty of RM20,000 fine and three years’ jail.

According to the facts of case, a team of policemen raided the house where the accused was found asleep and had him arrested.

Royal emblem, logo, stamps, awards, official letters and ceremonial attire were found in his house during the raid.

Checks with the Federal Territories Ministry management service’s division’s Honour and Special Function Unit as well as the Prime Minister’s Department International Conference Secretariat revealed that the royal emblem was fake and that the accused was never awarded any title by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

Checks and statement by principal private secretary to the prime minister, Tan Sri Iskandar Mohd Kaus, revealed that the department’s stamp used by the accused was also fake.

Police also recorded statement by a doctor in Kamunting near Taiping who confirmed that the accused had claimed that he was the private secretary to the prime minister and awarded the Datuk Seri title.

The accused had offered the Panglima Mahkota Wilayah Persekutuan which carries the title Datuk to the victim with a payment of RM110,000.

During litigation, Shahirul Syafiq said he had been detained in Kajang Prison and was not able to see his wife and two children since his arrest on March 30.

He said his first jail experience was dreadful as he had to celebrate Ramadan and raya behind bars.

“Life in prison however has given me the chance to learn about religion and spiritual (values) that had made me feel remorseful. The experience has taught me to be a good and law-abiding citizen.

“I promise to be a good citizen who respect the law when I leave jail one day,” he said.

Prosecution was conducted by DPP Irna Julieza Maaras while the accused was unrepresented.