Selangor Pas commissioner Datuk Iskandar Abdul Samad. Pix by Saddam Yusoff
Selangor Pas commissioner Datuk Iskandar Abdul Samad. Pix by Saddam Yusoff

SHAH ALAM: Selangor Pas will launch 100 new branches as part of its Semarak Hijau 2.0 programme which will take off in February next year.

Semarak Hijau is a 'turun padang' (meeting the grassroots) programme to strengthen ties between the Pas leadership, party activists and the community in line with Selangor Pas' theme 'Bakti Untuk Semua' (Service to All).

"One hundred Pas branches will be launched including Pas Supporters' Club (DHPP) branches. We believe that Semarak 1.0 and 2.0 will solidify Pas' position in Selangor apart from serving the people," said Selangor Pas commissioner Datuk Iskandar Abdul Samad in a statement today.

This year, Selangor Pas lost members when thousands of grassroots leaders and members from its DHPP branches quit the party to join Gerakan Harapan Baru which has since been named Parti Amanah Rakyat (Amanah).

The party however insisted that Pas in Selangor was not affected by the mass exodus.

Iskandar said Semarak 1.0 which was launched in Sepang on Oct 3 will end in Petaling Jaya Selatan in January next year while Semarak 2.0 would be launched in Pandan in February.

He said among the programmes which will be organised in each stop include gotong royong, free health check ups and visit to old folks homes, apart from ceramah, public feast and contests.