KUALA LUMPUR: All Umno divisions have been asked to organise the 'solat hajat' (special prayers) to pray for the safety of the Palestinians from Israeli brutality.

Umno President Datuk Seri Najib Razak said Umno would also send humanitarian aid to Gaza, which is currently under Zionis attack.

Umno Supreme Council strongly condemned the Zionis attack and brutality which had claimed the lives of many innocent people, including children in Gaza, he told reporters after chairing the Umno Supreme Council meeting here today.

He also said that Umno Supreme Council was firm in giving full support to the government in fighting for the rights of the Palestinians.

To date, 81 Palestinians were reported to have been killed, while hundreds of others were injured after Israel launched rocket and mortar attacks on Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was reported as saying that the Israeli government had deployed 40,000 soldiers for a ground operation in Gaza, codenamed "Operation Protective Edge". Bernama