VW Malaysia managing director Armin Keller says the recall is to prevent the possibility of cracks in the car axle in the event of collision.
VW Malaysia managing director Armin Keller says the recall is to prevent the possibility of cracks in the car axle in the event of collision.

VOLKSWAGEN AG is recalling 2,134 units of the fully-imported Volkswagen Beetle sold in Malaysia even as its local unit reassures that it will be more transparent in its communications with customers and the media.

The recall of those units manufactured between April 2012 and July 2013 was due to DSG (gear box) and other technical issues, said Volkswagen Group Malaysia Sdn Bhd (VW Malaysia).

VW Malaysia also said it would not meet its target of doubling sales this year due to the poor handling of customers’ grouses over technical issues affecting its vehicles.

Its managing director Armin Keller said yesterday the loss in customer confidence had prompted the company to scale back its sales volume target for the year.

Last year, the company sold 11,700 vehicles and in the three quarters of this year, sales stood at 7,000 units.

Keller said the recall, which entails free checks at dealerships, was a preemptive move to prevent the possibility of cracks in the axle of the car in the event of collision.

He added that a micro site has been set up at www.volkswagen.com.my, listing the vehicle identification numbers of the affected cars.

Customers affected by the recall are advised to have their cars checked immediately.

“We sincerely apologise to those affected. All problems have been resolved. The story of the DSG is now closed. All cars in the showrooms do not have these issues,” Keller said.

He said the poor customer service arose because the company was in a rush to open new dealerships and this had compromised its normal standards.

“We had showrooms that were smaller than the standard practice and dealerships with inadequate work bays. Now, our dealerships have been upgraded to 3S and 4S and this automatically increases (servicing) capacity,” he said.

As an added damage-control measure, VW Malaysia will provide pick-up services starting mid-November as well as courtesy cars to VW customers whose car repairs would take longer than 24 hours.

On the Goods and Services Tax (GST), Keller said the six per cent GST that would replace the Sales and Services Tax’s 10 per cent rate would not necessarily translate into a four per cent savings for car buyers.

It might be just two per cent after “all the tax calculations”, he added.