Scene from Penang Hill.
Scene from Penang Hill.

IN the heart of Penang, where the rhythm of urban life blends seamlessly with the echoes of tradition, artist Lim Jee Yuan unveils a breathtaking visual narrative in his inaugural solo exhibition, aptly titled "George Town Urban Oasis" currently on its last day at The Art Gallery, Penang.

Through 23 evocative watercolour paintings and 10 oil creations, the artist lures us to appreciate the beauty in the simple, everyday moments that often elude our attention as we whizz through our days.

Born in 1953 in Kuala Lumpur, Lim's journey was triggered by the gentle encouragement of his father, Lim Chiun Hong, a school teacher with a penchant for Chinese calligraphy and art. While pursuing architecture at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Lim's education proved transformative, exposing him to diverse disciplines that sparked a lifelong quest for the meaning of life.

As he reflects on his academic years, his eyes look thoughtful.

Eventually, Lim shares: "The education was mind-opening as we had many different disciplines — from sociology, economics, art, humanities, etc. It initiated a lifelong search for the meaning of life."

This exploration culminated in his seminal work, The Malay House, which sold over 10,000 copies and a testament to his ability to intertwine cultural narratives with his architectural acumen.


 Artist Lim Jee Yuan. Picture by Khoo Cheang Jin.
Artist Lim Jee Yuan. Picture by Khoo Cheang Jin.

The Pearl of the Orient became Lim's home after graduation, and the allure of the region's culture left an indelible mark on his artistic sensibilities. Inspired by the simplicity of everyday life, his paintings celebrate the intricate tapestry of our existence, spotlighting architectural and natural heritage as the most visible and tangible forms in our daily lives.

His artistic odyssey, though intermittent, took a more purposeful turn sometime in 2016 when he sought to impart his artistic wisdom to his daughter, who was actually destined for architecture studies in Australia.

While the initial endeavour didn't unfold as planned, it, however, served as a catalyst for the artist's own creative resurgence. In 2022, Lim retired to dedicate himself fully to his craft. He was supported by his wife, Jenny, who made the decision to resign from her job to focus on raising their children.

The couple's unconventional approach to parenting, where values were emphasised over grades, resulted in well-rounded individuals. Lim's daughters, Yu Chia and Yu Ning, embody this philosophy, excelling not only academically, but also in extracurricular activities.

His son, Wei Fang, is currently practising as an economist.

Within this vibrant family tapestry, Lim's journey was further enriched by his son, Kian Fang, a special child with autism. Through the challenges of raising Kian Fang, Lim discovered a profound teacher: one that taught him the lessons of patience, compassion, love, and humanitarianism. As Lim muses: "Nothing is perfect in life, and we have to accept our challenges, however difficult they may be."


 Snake temple.
Snake temple.

Lim's "George Town Urban Oasis" is more than just a collection of paintings. It encapsulates a philosophy of life; one that urges us all to pause and savour the simplicity that we often overlook in our bustling urban existence. The exhibition's title serves as a poignant reminder that tranquillity is within reach, even in the heart of the city.

The artist's mastery of watercolour is evident in his ability to play with various shades of green, showcasing the rich palette hidden within the foliage that surrounds us daily.

His paintings breathe life into the greens — transforming them into a symphony of colours that dance with the passage of time, lighting conditions, and seasons. The result is a soothing tableau that envelops the viewer in shades, breezes, peace, and calm.

On his advice for aspiring artists, Lim's offers: "Enjoy the journey of learning and growing in your art. Your style will develop from your practice, vision, and sincerity. Enjoy the process and learn from your failures."

And for art lovers? He smiles, before saying softly: "Just connect with what touches the heart. Art is meant for appreciation, meaning, and enjoyment — not just as an investment locked away in darkness."

In a world increasingly dominated by complexity, Lim's call for simplicity resonates deeply. His brushstrokes echo a timeless truth — that life is only as complicated as we make it.

Through 'George Town Urban Oasis", the artist is inviting us to rediscover the elegance in simplicity and to appreciate the profound beauty of the everyday moments that constitute the fabric of our lives.

[email protected]

George Town Urban Oasis by Lim Jee Yuan

WHERE: The Art Gallery, 368-4-8 Burma Road, Level 4, Bellisa Row, Pulau Tikus, Penang.

WHEN: Ends today
