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Image by on Freepik.

NAPOLEON Hill once said, "What our minds can conceive and believe, we can achieve." If you're familiar with the law of attraction, you know that it's a theory that contends that while negative ideas can have unfavourable effects on a person's life, happy thoughts can.

It's predicated on the idea that positive energy attracts success in all spheres of life, including health, money and relationships. Thoughts are a form of energy.

What exactly is the law of attraction? In essence, your experiences are a manifestation of the energy of your thoughts. Positive events result from positive thinking, and vice versa. Advocates contend that the law of attraction is based on several fundamental, universal principles, such as like attracts like, and that removing negative things from your life can make space for more positive things to take place.

Once we can control our thoughts, it's time to make full use of the law of attraction. Be mindful of pessimism and negativity. Encourage those around you to remind you to think positively when needed.

Translate thoughts into positive words and action. Enjoy the calmer environment as stress and conflicts get reduced. Expect more goodness to come your way as you attract all the goodness the world can offer.


We can train our mind to visualise anything we want to achieve. Think of your upcoming performance review.

Close your eyes and visualise how it feels to receive good feedback from your superior. What will your rating be? Will there be smiles or tears? Will the day be a happy or sad one? Ask these questions and more to prompt your thoughts further.

Get comfortable with the approach and then take it to another level by setting longer-term and more challenging goals. Of course, you'll need to work hard to deliver the desired performance. But the positive, happy feelings you experience, albeit in your imagination, should provide the much-needed motivation.

If we find our mind wandering into the negative, quickly redirect it towards more positive territories. Try to visualise the best result possible. Imagine a happy and bright day rather than a gloomy one. This exercise may sound strange at first but it goes a long way towards tuning our mind to think more positively.

Be wild — don't let any limitations stand in the way. Brush aside negative thoughts that threaten to creep in. If we cannot have happiness in our mind, which we fully control, how can it manifest in the real world where there are so many uncontrollable elements?

At the end of the day, we are what we think. Use our most powerful tool — the mind — to envision and create the world we want to be in. Rope the whole family in and multiply the power. Achieve the impossible by believing that it can be done.

Support one another so they also can experience the power of their minds. Once done, so many new possibilities will open up and the phrase "nothing is impossible" won't just be a slogan anymore; it will truly come true.

Zaid Mohamad coaches and trains others to bring out their best while enjoying a peaceful, purposeful life. Reach him at [email protected].