The King expressed concern over a host of other issues, including motivating the young, excessive government spending, the importance of attracting high-value investments, and the need to be forthright and forceful on world affairs, particularly the Palestine cause. - BERNAMA pic
The King expressed concern over a host of other issues, including motivating the young, excessive government spending, the importance of attracting high-value investments, and the need to be forthright and forceful on world affairs, particularly the Palestine cause. - BERNAMA pic

LETTERS: "The King has spoken" is a powerful and authoritative phrase that perfectly fits the message by His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim, King of Malaysia while opening the 15th Parliament proceedings recently.

It is certainly heartening to note the response from a cross section of the public, many of whom have welcomed the King's exhortations.

Now, the people are waiting to see how the government of the day is going to deliver on its promises, in terms of helping to improve their wellbeing.

Will it be able to walk the talk? Hitherto, some institutional reforms that were promised have yet to be implemented.

The King also spoke about unity and his concerns.

It is not untrue to say that Malaysians today are divided by irresponsible politicians who play on race. Instead, they should set an example by strictly adhering to the Rukun Negara. Merely reciting the five principles defeats the purpose of our national philosophy.

Another matter that needs urgent attention is government red tape. Many of the existing processes, procedures and requirements must be simplified to give people easy access to facilities.

There must also be equal emphasis on improving the economy and higher education, which are crucial to nation-building.

The King also expressed concern over a host of other issues, including motivating the young, excessive government spending, the importance of attracting high-value investments, and the need to be forthright and forceful on world affairs, particularly the Palestine cause.

These matters require the attention and action of not only members of parliament, but also civil servants and the rakyat.

The call is clear: the King is watching. It is now incumbent upon all stakeholders to heed his advice.

As we move forward, let his words guide our actions in building a united, prosperous and harmonious nation.



Alliance For A Safe Community

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times