When taken in the recommended dosage, paracetamol is effective in managing mild to moderate pain. - File pic credit (Freepik)
When taken in the recommended dosage, paracetamol is effective in managing mild to moderate pain. - File pic credit (Freepik)

Covid-19 cases in the nation have been on a downward trend. Nevertheless, it is important to know how to safeguard oneself from the virus, along with ways to cope with it.

Notably, most infected people will develop mild to moderate symptoms such as fever, headache, aches and pain.4,5

Although there is no definitive cure for Covid-19, global public health authorities such as World Health Organization (WHO)1, European Medicines Agency (EMA)2 and National Institutes of Health (NIH)3 presently recommend paracetamol as part of symptomatic treatment for Covid-19 patients to relieve mild to moderate pain and fever.

According to Dr Hilmi Lockman, a health expert on the topic, paracetamol (or acetaminophen) is the most widely used anti-fever and pain medication in Malaysia6, being suitable for 98 per cent of adults.7

"When taken in the amount recommended by the package label, paracetamol is effective in managing mild to moderate pain; it can help relieve pain (discomfort) caused by headache, toothache, backache, arthritic pain, muscular aches, osteoarthritis, menstrual/period pain and lowering body temperature due to fever and/or discomfort with fever6," he explained.

It is also effective in relieving symptoms of Covid-19, when taken according to the recommended dosage.

"Two pills of 500mg paracetamol have proven to provide effective relief for adults. You can take one to two pills of 500mg paracetamol every four to six hours, but no more than eight pills of 500mg paracetamol a day8,9," said Dr Lockman.

In addition, Dr Lockman advises consumers to always follow the label, and not take more than one paracetamol-containing product at the same time. When in doubt, a doctor or pharmacist should be consulted for advice.

Malaysians are also urged to seek immediate care at the nearest hospital if their Covid-19 symptoms worsen. If someone is showing any of these signs, seek emergency medical care immediately10:

- Trouble breathing
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- New confusion
- Inability to wake or stay awake
- Pale, gray or blue-coloured skin, lips or nail beds, depending on skin tone

Note: This is not an extensive list of possible symptoms. If faced with any other severe or concerning symptoms, do consult a doctor.

All in all, it is critical that people only consume information from trusted sources, such as authorised public health authorities like WHO, and not turn to social media for information, especially when it comes to health issues.

While paracetamol is one of the medications used to treat Covid-19 symptoms such as pain and fever, netizens should be aware that it is not a cure for Covid-19.

Lastly, everyone is encouraged to get their COVID-19 immunisation and booster jabs if they haven't already. This is a vital factor in helping the country thrive, building a safer community and returning to normalcy.

Remember to be careful and stay safe at all times!

The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only and it should not be construed as personal medical advice. Information published in this article is not intended to replace, supplant or augment a consultation with a health professional regarding the reader's own medical care. 



1World Health Organizations (WHO). Clinical management of COVID-19: Interim Guidance. 27 May 2020.

2European Medicines Agency (EMA). EMA gives advice on the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories for COVID-19. 18 March 2020.

3National Institutes of Health (NIH). Concomitant Medications | COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines. 4 August 2021.

4Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). Symptoms of Covid19. February 2021.

5World Health Organization (WHO). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). 2021.

6Portal MyHealth, Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH). Paracetamol. April 2012.

7Clarke GD, et al. Int J Pharm Pract 2008; 16:1-4.

8Gaul C. Eshalier A. Dose Can Help to Achieve Effective Pain Relief for Acute Mild to Moderate Pain with Over the Counter Paracetamol? Open Pain Journal, 2018.11,12.2.

9CADTH 2016, 1000 mg versus 600/650mg Acetaminophen for Pain or Fever: A Review of Clinical Efficacy. Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health.

10Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). What to Do If You Are Sick. 17 March 2021.


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