Those responsible for Melaka’s speed demon Badrul Hisyam Abdul Manap missing from the 100m race in the Malaysia Games will have to answer for it. Pix by L. Manimaran
Those responsible for Melaka’s speed demon Badrul Hisyam Abdul Manap missing from the 100m race in the Malaysia Games will have to answer for it. Pix by L. Manimaran

IPOH: Those responsible for Melaka’s speed demon Badrul Hisyam Abdul Manap missing from the 100m race in the Malaysia Games will have to answer for it.

This was stated by Melaka contingent chief Kerk Chee Yee after the controversial decision by team officials is said to have cost Melaka the 100m gold today.

Badrul was seen as the overwhelming favourite to win the 100m in the absence of Sea Games champion Khairul Hafiz Jantan, who has announced his withdrawal.

But to the surprise and joy of his rivals, Badrul was inexplicably unlisted from the 100m event and placed in the 400m instead. He could only finish fourth in the semi-finals.

What was puzzling was the fact that defending champion Khairul was still listed for the 100m race though he was supposed to have withdrawn.

“Of course it’s a loss for Melaka. Maybe there was some confusion when the decision was made.

“But I know every decision made is a step in avoiding injuries because we want the athletes to give their best despite overlapping schedules. So, I don’t know where the error is,” said Chee Yee.

However, he said the coach and the Melaka Athletics Association should explain for the fiasco.

Badrul’s coach Mohd Poad Md Kassim said it was not his decision to drop the sprinter from the 100m.

He said only the Melaka’s team management can answer that question.

Poad said he was instructed to ensure that Badrul focused on the 100m and not on the 400m due to overlapping schedules.