Prominent local football commentator Datuk Richard Scully said that unresolved wage issues could severely impact players’ focus and commitment to their roles- NSTP FILE PIC
Prominent local football commentator Datuk Richard Scully said that unresolved wage issues could severely impact players’ focus and commitment to their roles- NSTP FILE PIC

KUALA LUMPUR: Authorities have been asked to swiftly address salary arrears to prevent football players from becoming victims of irresponsible clubs.

Prominent local football commentator Datuk Richard Scully said that unresolved wage issues could severely impact players' focus and commitment to their roles

"These players are not mere robots; they are human beings with emotions," he stressed.

He highlighted the critical need for clubs to secure stable financial backing to ensure timely payment of wages, underscoring the importance of professionalism in managing player welfare.

"Managing entities must prioritise adequate funding to honour their commitments.

"The persistence of salary delays undermines the very essence of professionalism," he said.

He further criticised clubs offering inflated salaries beyond their financial means, warning that such practices foster an unhealthy environment detrimental to player morale and team stability.

"If clubs cannot sustain high wages, they should refrain from making unrealistic promises.

"Regular, dependable salary payments are essential to support the players' livelihoods," he said.

Perak FC CEO Bobie Farid Shamsudin acknowledged reports circulating on social media regarding wage delays within their team, affirming the need for transparency and prompt resolution of financial challenges.

Authorities are urged to take decisive action to uphold fair treatment and stability within Malaysia's football industry.