(File pix) Your plants need water, light and warmth to survive. Archive image for illustration purposes only.
(File pix) Your plants need water, light and warmth to survive. Archive image for illustration purposes only.

KEEPING a few plants indoor can help reduce anxiety and stress. However, taking care of indoor plants isn’t always easy.

Light, water, fertiliser, soil conditions, room temperature and placement play an essential role in the growth of such plants. Lacking one of the elements will prevent them from growing healthily and beautifully.

Inspect plants before bringing them home. If they show signs of pests or diseases, cure the problem first before bringing them indoor as they could infect other indoor plants.

Try not to move the plants around as it can cause damage to their leaves and flowers as they are already used to growing at the one spot. Remember plants have feelings, too!


Avoid placing plants in direct sunlight, especially during the sunniest hours of the day. Keep them close to east-facing windows.


Do not water your plant too often like twice a day or with cold water. Water your plants with tepid water.

Tepid water—one part cold water and another part boiling water— renders a temperature of about40 degrees Celsius. Wait until the soil is almost dry before watering to avoid water from accumulating at the bottom. Cactuses are the easiest to care for as they can go for days without water but the soil you use for them is also important.


You can buy ready-made fertiliser, or use soil with organic and inorganic qualities for your plant. Most nurseries have them. You can also make your own fertiliser at home. The nutrients found in manure tea and rice water make them ideal fertilisers for your indoor plants.


Do not use normal soil for your plant. Remember, every plant is unique and need different soil conditions.

Read more about the plant you have or ask the nursery from where you’re buying the plant on the type of soil to use. Use sterile soil as it will minimise problems with fungus gnats and other soil-borne diseases. For example, herbs, need very-draining soils while vegetables require soil with particular organic qualities.


Keep plants in a temperate environment. This means that your home temperature should be between 20 and 22 degrees Celcius. Research has shown that plants grow faster with 80 to 90 per cent humidity.


Choose the best spot for your plants to grow, in terms of light, humidity and temperature. Avoid placing plants near heat or air-conditioning ducts, on television or a radiator, or between curtains as they will wither quickly.