Kelantan folk have been advised to limit outdoor activities during the current hot weather spell or risk heat stroke and even death. NSTP file pic
Kelantan folk have been advised to limit outdoor activities during the current hot weather spell or risk heat stroke and even death. NSTP file pic

KOTA BARU: People in Kelantan have been urged to limit their outdoor activities following the hot weather in the country which is expected to persist until mid-April.

State Health director Datuk Dr Zaini Hussin said the hot weather could cause stress to bodies and this can lead to heat stroke.

Heat stroke, he added, could result in permanent disability or death.

"Everyone is at risk of becoming victims, especially those involved in outdoor physical activities and children aged 5 and under.

"Those suffering from respiratory diseases, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and thyroid problems as well as adults aged 40 years and above also have high risk of becoming victims.

"The risk will increase if they wear thick and tight clothing as it will trap heat and prevent evaporation of sweat from the body. This will cause headaches, fatigue, poor concentration, dizziness, muscle weakness and cramps," he said.

Dr Zaini added that severe conditions can cause dehydration, confusion and coma.

Among the ways to prevent or reduce the effects on health due to extreme heat, he said, was to drink plenty of water regardless of the level of physical activity.

"Do not wait to drink until we feel thirsty. The public is also advise to stay indoors, take frequent rests, to shower or use the fan to cool the body and to wear light, light- coloured and loose clothes.

"Avoid drinks containing caffeine, alcohol, or with high sugar content and sitting in a closed car or exercising in hot weather," he added.

It was reported yesterday that the current hot weather was expected to persist until mid-April following the lack of rain-bearing clouds and the equinox phenomenon that is expected to occur tomorrow in a changing of the season.

Malaysian Meteorological Department (MetMalaysia) deputy director-general (strategic and technical) Ambun Dindang said that during the spring equinox, there will be equal time of day and night, as the sun is directly overhead on the Equatorial line and crosses from the southern to the northern hemisphere.

He said during this transitory period, temperatures can hover between 35 and 38 degrees Celsius, depending on the presence of clouds and rain at that time.