Women are making progress as marine professionals in maritime institutions. - NSTP file pic
Women are making progress as marine professionals in maritime institutions. - NSTP file pic

LETTERS: Women have made significant contributions to the maritime industry. An increasing number of women are taking on diverse roles in the sector, including as captains, officers, engineers, maritime lawyers, researchers and executives.

Although only making up two per cent of the maritime community, women have demonstrated significant success. Their contributions have enhanced workforce diversity, increased operational efficiency and advanced gender equality in male-dominated sectors.

Women have been influential in promoting safer working conditions, addressing environmental issues and driving technological advancements in the maritime sector.

Their involvement has been crucial in shaping shipping and maritime operations.

Women are making progress as marine professionals in maritime institutions.

Their knowledge and background help educate and train upcoming generations of maritime professionals, guaranteeing a competent and varied workforce in the maritime sector.

Women also play vital roles in maritime law enforcement, contributing their skills and expertise to ensure the safety and security of maritime environments. In agencies such as coast guards, marine police and customs, women serve as officers, investigators, intelligence analysts and administrators.

Their contributions include patrolling territorial waters, conducting search-and-rescue operations, combating maritime crimes such as smuggling and piracy and enforcing regulations related to maritime safety and environmental protection.

The contributions of women to shaping the future of maritime safety are crucial. Many women excel in this field, bringing expertise and perspectives that are essential for ensuring safety at sea and advancing maritime operations.

By creating an inclusive environment, we can unlock many benefits for women and society. Empowering women by providing them with a platform for voicing themselves is essential, particularly in shaping policies and initiatives that impact them.

Celebrating diversity entails recognising and respecting the experiences, viewpoints and input of women from various backgrounds, as well as equal access to opportunities and resources, including education, employment, healthcare, political participation and other areas where women may face systemic obstacles.

In the future, it is our aspiration to witness an increase in the number of women serving as mentors and coaches in the maritime world.

They can inspire and empower the next generation of maritime professionals, fostering greater diversity and innovation in the industry.

On International Women's Day this year, we hope for women to continue an upward trajectory not just in maritime, but also in social, economic, cultural and political spheres.


Director, Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency, Lahad Datu Maritime Zone, Sabah


Senior Lecturer, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times