Malaysians are very understanding and in most cases don’t have the audacity to tell the loud party to tone things down.
Malaysians are very understanding and in most cases don’t have the audacity to tell the loud party to tone things down.

LETTERS: I was dining at a casual dining restaurant recently and noticed a table of diners talking and laughing at the top of their voice.

We have the advantage of enjoying more leeway while dining in restaurants these days and some might not have seen family and friends for a long time. There is nothing wrong to be merry, but please spare a thought for other patrons as well. Not everyone appreciates loud noises.

At times I cannot even hear what my guest is trying to say because of the high volume of chatter and laughter. It then becomes an acoustic nightmare when everyone is trying to speak louder than the parties on the other tables and the vicious cycle will just continue.

I do not expect pin drop silence, but for everyone to speak and laugh at an acceptable and moderate level. We all must remember not to get carried away as we are dining in a shared place. It is about respecting yourself and those around you.

Malaysians are very understanding and in most cases don't have the audacity to tell the loud party to tone things down. So let us all be reminded to be courteous in our speech and actions to not spoil someone else's dining experience.

The year is about to draw to a close and the New Year promises a fresh start, but let us all remember to make a change now.

Yeap Ming Liong

Subang Jaya, Selangor

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times