(FILE PHOTO) Kedah Pakatan Harapan chairman Datuk Mahfuz Omar. -NSTP FILE/NOORAZURA ABDUL RAHMAN
(FILE PHOTO) Kedah Pakatan Harapan chairman Datuk Mahfuz Omar. -NSTP FILE/NOORAZURA ABDUL RAHMAN

ALOR STAR: Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor has crossed the line for labelling government agencies and the media as unity government lackeys, following probes into the Kedah Football Association (KFA).

Kedah Pakatan Harapan chairman Datuk Mahfuz Omar expressed disappointment, stating that Sanusi's reaction was unbecoming of a Menteri Besar.

"It is truly embarrassing. He should realise that he holds a position of authority and shouldn't casually label law enforcement agencies as lackeys. Should enforcement agencies be restrained from their duties? That is not right.

"He shouldn't condemn journalists reporting the facts from court proceedings. They report what happens, what is documented, and what is stated.

"So, don't assume that those reporting are automatically guilty or becoming lackeys who oppress others," he said when contacted.

Mahfuz, who is also Amanah vice-president said Sanusi, who is also Perikatan Nasional election director should have cooperated with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) instead of lashing out in public.

"Is he suggesting that we should shut down the police station and MACC? This is not appropriate. This isn't the era of Raja Bersiung (tyrants)," he added.

Commenting further, Mahfuz said Sanusi's outburst disrupted civil servants in carrying out impartial investigations while insulting the country's royal institution since law enforcement agencies are under the Yang-di-Pertuan Agong's purview.

"In my opinion, authorities, especially the MACC, should take action to address these allegations," he added.

On Friday, the MACC remanded KFA chief executive officer Zulkifli Che Haron and three individuals, including two consultants for investigation over allegedly soliciting and accepting bribery amounting to RM6 million.

The alleged corrupt funds were believed to be a reward for helping a company owner secure construction project tenders for a racecourse and projects to manage, operate, and maintain five water retention facilities in Kedah.

In response, Sanusi said law enforcement agencies should not to be used as a tool in running down those who belonged to different political divide from the unity government.

He also claimed that the move was a plot to tarnish the state's reputation after months of futile effort to directly link him with any corruption scandal.