The idea was first raised by Datuk Zuraida Kamaruddin in her reply to a show cause letter earlier issued by PPBM over her alleged involvement in PBM.- BERNAMA Pic
The idea was first raised by Datuk Zuraida Kamaruddin in her reply to a show cause letter earlier issued by PPBM over her alleged involvement in PBM.- BERNAMA Pic

KUALA LUMPUR: Parti Bangsa Malaysia (PBM) would have played a pivotal role in garnering support for Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM), but such a collaboration was rejected.

The idea was first raised by Datuk Zuraida Kamaruddin in her reply to a show cause letter earlier issued by PPBM over her alleged involvement in PBM.

In her reply letter, which was sighted by the New Straits Times, she said with about 400,000 members nationwide comprising various races, PBM would have been able to play an important role in getting the support needed for PPBM to retain its multi-racial seats in the coming general election.

She also said the issue of setting up PBM was nothing new and had earlier even been conveyed to PPBM president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

During her discussions with Muhyiddin, the Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister said she told him the setting up of a multi-racial party would act like a subsidiary to Bersatu and give added value to the Malay-based party.

"This would help increase support for PPBM. However, despite my explanations and justifications, Muhyiddin rejected the idea and was of the view that the Ministerial position was PPBM's exclusive right," she had said in her reply to the show cause letter dated May 9.

She said her discussions with Muhyiddin ended there and she continued focusing on her responsibilities as a Minister and also the member of parliament for Ampang.

"I had never once neglected any of my duties and always worked hard to promote our commodities and also enhance the lives of smallholders," she said.

She had also dismissed accusations that she was a PBM member. Last Thursday, Zuraida resigned from PPBM and submitted her application to join PBM.

"I asked the PPBM secretary-general to produce proof to back these allegations. My activities with Penggerak Komuniti Negara (PKN) which I set up in 2018 to help me enhance my relations with the community around the country cannot be the basis to these allegations.

"Also, the decision by a majority of leaders from PKN to become part of PBM should also not be linked to me," she had said.

Zuraida had also called for a hearing proceeding by the Disciplinary Board so that it can hear a fair and honest explanation from her, in line with the party's constitution.

Her ministerial position is now in focus as while PPBM claimed it was their exclusive right, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said Zuraida remains a minister and would continue carrying out her duties as usual until he makes a decision on the matter.

He said Zuraida could still attend the Cabinet meeting and her position would be decided after they meet.

"I did not sack her. She is still a Cabinet minister until the [Cabinet] meeting [is held] this [coming] Wednesday," he told Malaysian journalists in Tokyo yesterday at the end of his official working visit to Japan.

Zuraida had also said she would be meeting the prime minister to discuss her resignation as a minister and reiterated that she would continue to support the present government led by Ismail Sabri.