Dewan Rakyat. - NSTP file pic
Dewan Rakyat. - NSTP file pic

KUALA LUMPUR: The failure of the Prime Minister to obtain a vote of confidence would impede the current government's effort to pass any legislative bill in the Dewan Rakyat, while the country is facing tough times brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Constitutional expert, Associate Professor Dr Shamrahayu Abd Aziz, cited examples in the United Kingdom, where the sitting Prime Minister would seek a vote of confidence when he/she fails to obtain a majority to pass any motion or make an amendment to an existing law in Parliament.

When the vote of confidence is passed, she said the Prime Minister would have garnered the necessary backing which in turn will have a positive impact on the bill that could not be passed at an earlier stage.

"From the constitutional law point of view, it does not expressly state whether there is provision or not for a vote of confidence. A vote of confidence is also present as part of the constitutional practice.

"For example, considering the current state of our country ... maybe the government will pass the Covid-19 law.

When the Covid-19 law cannot be passed, it can be converted into a vote of confidence. If so, then it can be adopted as a form of vote of confidence.

"If the vote of confidence is passed, the Prime Minister has received the necessary backing, which at the same time also has a positive impact on the bill which could not be passed previously based on the then majority," she told Berita Harian today.

Shamrahayu was commenting on the move by Pas to submit a vote of confidence on Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as the nation's eighth Prime Minister.

The motion is expected to be tabled and debated when the lower house of Parliament begins its sitting on July 18.

Commenting on Pas's move, she said the party should not play along or push too far when it comes to the opposition block's game.

Instead, Shamrahayu said they should redefine their strategy rather than going overboard with their vote of confidence agenda involving the eighth Prime Minister.

She said what should be given priority instead was the agenda involving the nation's current situation apart from prioritising the needs of the rakyat.

"In my view, there is no need to table a vote of confidence, as there is an inherent risk faced by the party which tabled such a motion. It is better for Pas to take a wait and see attitude on whether a bill is passed (before proceeding with the vote of confidence).

"There needs to be a strategy in place in tabling a vote of confidence. There is also no reason to create space to question the confidence involving the Prime Minister.

"The strategy approach that needs to be taken now is that there is still a majority, until it is proven otherwise.

"How do you want to prove it (that there is majority)? When the government cannot pass the bill, this means there is no majority," she said.

Pas secretary-general Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan in a statement said the motion acts as a show of support and trust for Muhyiddin's leadership, adding that the prime minister had put the people first while showing utmost concern for their wellbeing since taking the reins of the nation's administration in March.

"Pas is confident with the excellent delivery, and with the backing and commitment shown by the government machinery, at the federal level as well as many of the state governments, the Prime Minister's leadership will continue to be supported and praised by the people of all races," he said in a statement.

Takiyuddin who is the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department said the government's economic stimulus packages, too, had been well received by all sectors headed in the same direction to ensure the nation's economic recovery.

He said Pas was extremely confident the motion of confidence will be supported by a majority of the MPs, adding that the backing given will ensure stability in the country and prosperity of the people.